Current Standings for the AGE Players Championships.
The Open Series will consist of 8 AGE $1,000 Opens and will culminate at the end of the year Championship, where the top 16 players will be invited to battle it out for $3,000 and the title of the AGE Open Series Champion.
AGE Open Placing Points & Winnings Winner: 30 points & $400 Finalist 2nd: 25 points & $200 3rd & 4th: 20 Points & $100 5th - 8th : 15 Points & $50 Top 12: 12 Points Top 16: 8 Points Participation: 1 Point
In the case of a tie, the following criteria will be used to break them:
If you spot any errors, send an email to [email protected] or justinlwg on Discord